Mini Mental Status Exam (MMSE) (Last Updated - 5/23/2003)

Part 1
1) What is the:
   -Year (1 point)
   -Season (1 point)
   -Date (1 point)
   -Day (1 point)
   -Month (1 point)
2) Where are we:
   -State (1 point)
   -Country (1 point)
   -Town (1 point)
   -Hospital (1 point)
   -Floor (1 point)
3) Name 3 unrelated objects (car, TV, book) then have patient repeat these 3 objects. (1 point for each correct answer)
4) Count by 7's backwards from 100 (1 point for each count - up to 5)
5) Name the 3 objects told to remember (1 point for each correct answer)
6) Show a pen/pencil and watch and ask the patient to identify them (1 point for each correct answer)
7) Repeat - "No ifs, ands or buts" (1 point)
8) Follow a 3-step command - Take a piece of paper in your right hand, fold it in half and then hand it to me (1 point for each step)

Part 2
1) Read and obey the following - Close your eyes (1 point)
2) Write a sentence (1 point)
3) Copy a pattern of intersecting pentagons (1 point)

Total Score (Out of 30)
(< 23 requires further assessment)
